Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Klint Review

Day 2 on the Klint Krypto was pretty incredible.  Snowbird was covered in white frosting, that was smeary and delicious.  It was actually snow, but was a treat nonetheless.  Windblown, dense powder was everywhere, and the Kryptos gobbled it up.  Smearing was the name of the game today, and throwing the skis sideways for 20 feet was not only possible, but extremely fun.  So, yeah, the skis did pretty well in this snow too.  On the firmer snow it did a little better than what I had heard, so I could see myself on a pair in the future.  Not as cool as Chuck's Folsom Customs, but as close as I can get right now to being the only guy on the mountain with that ski brand clamped to their boots.
Now, is the Krypto worthy of a potential trip to South America, where a quiver of 2 is the maximum allowed?  Not sure about that yet, but its looking better than a few other contenders, mostly because of the twin and skis 'lighter.'

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